Is your smile missing a tooth here and there or even a complete row of teeth? If the answer to that question is “yes,” then we don’t need to describe the turmoil that can result from tooth loss. You already know that having just one missing tooth can make eating certain foods difficult, such as fresh fruits and vegetables or lean meats. And of course, there is the matter of not having a complete smile. Fortunately, there is a convenient and affordable solution. With dentures—both full and partial— Dr. Adam Jones and Dr. Giuliana Diaz Jones can recreate the beautiful smile you had before tooth loss with dentures in Vero Beach. Give us a call to learn how you can get a custom restoration for a renewed smile!
The only way to know whether you are a good candidate for dentures is to schedule a meeting with a member of our dental team. While most patients have no issues moving forward with treatment, it is important that we evaluate your oral and overall health to determine how best to move forward and with which type of denture. Now that full and partial dentures are not the only options available, we can discuss the potential for implant dentures should you decide to go with a more permanent solution.
Beyond what you can see, there are serious ramifications that can happen as a result of missing teeth. For instance, when you have missing teeth, your risk of developing gum disease increases dramatically. This is no small concern because this bacterial infection can wreak havoc in your mouth, destroying both gum tissue, as well as the bone tissue underneath that holds your teeth in place.
It is paramount that you have your missing teeth replaced as soon as possible so that you do not continue to suffer a decline in your oral health – one that will require more complex care to reverse.
Dentures are recommended for patients who are missing several, most of, or all of their teeth.
Depending on the number of teeth that you are missing and where they are located in the mouth, a customized plan can be created just for you to restore the appearance and function of your smile. However, if you have any existing dental issues, like tooth decay or gum disease, you will need to have them treated before you can move forward in the process of getting dentures.
For decades, only full and partial dentures were available to treat tooth loss; however, there are alternative options that many patients choose when looking ahead to their future smile:
Dental Implants – As titanium posts that fuse with jawbone tissues, dental implants offer optimal security, stability, and longevity. They also allow teeth to function normally so that eating and speaking are no longer issues
You probably want to know how dentures are made before getting them. Fair enough – grasping these details will help you appreciate your new teeth. Still, you may struggle to find the truth about denture creation. It’s a good thing that Premier Dental is here to solve your dilemma. Listed below, you’ll find a summary of how dental labs make dentures. Please read it to understand your prosthetics. Otherwise, feel free to call our office for more details.
Every denture has two crucial parts, no matter its type: a base and artificial teeth. These components act together to form the full prosthetic. As proof, consider their features as described:
If you weren’t aware, each denture is custom-made for a specific patient. That means the dentist must follow a multi-step process to make one. In particular, these vital steps are:
Learn More About Immediate/Same-Day Dentures
Your mouth may ache a bit when first using dentures. In fact, you’ll likely feel sore and struggle to eat or speak. Regardless, don’t panic – these effects are normal and fade quickly. Once you’re more familiar with the dentures, they’ll feel like your other teeth.
Of course, you can speed up the adjustment. One way is to exercise your facial muscles. Similarly, you could eat soft foods for a week. There’s even the option of using adhesive to keep the dentures in place. With such methods, your dentures will feel natural in less time.
If your aches persist or get severe, please call our office. It may be that your dentures need adjusting.
Dealing with the loss of one, several, or all your teeth can make simple tasks like eating, speaking, and smiling comfortably a real challenge. This not only impacts your speech and diet, but can also take a toll on your self-esteem. Choosing to restore your smile with dentures in Vero Beach provides an opportunity to confidently display your grin once again! Simply click on the button below to learn about the benefits of this solution.
Losing teeth can have a significant impact on your confidence and quality of life. People who've lost teeth often suffer from an increased risk of social anxiety, sadness, and even depression. But with dentures, you can restore a complete smile! You won't have to stress about how you look when you talk or laugh. You'll also feel more sure of yourself when you eat and speak, which can make socializing much more enjoyable.
When you're missing teeth, saying certain words can be tricky. That's because your lips and tongue need all your teeth to help you talk clearly. It can be tough to communicate well without most of your teeth. Fortunately, dentures will help you get your full smile back, making it easier for you to communicate with others. It might take a bit of practice to get used to them, but soon enough, you'll be speaking more smoothly and confidently!
Tooth loss not only changes how your smile looks, but it also affects what foods you can enjoy. If you can't chew like you used to, it could lead to issues like indigestion and malnutrition. With dentures, you’ll regain the ability to eat a variety of foods, allowing you to enjoy a much healthier diet. You'll also be able to enjoy meals that contain essential nutrients for both your oral and overall health.
When you're missing teeth, the ones nearby may start drifting to fill in the space. If this isn't addressed, it could lead to further tooth loss and weakening of your jawbone. Getting dentures can prevent these potential problems by providing support to your existing teeth. Plus, your restorations can handle more of the chewing pressure, protecting your natural teeth from extra wear and tear.
Your smile plays a vital role in making a first impression, often being the first thing people notice about you. This holds true, especially during important events like job interviews, social gatherings, or first dates. A study from 2019 even showed that poor oral health was linked to lower chances of employment. That's why restoring your full smile with dentures not only enhances your oral health but also opens up new career and personal opportunities in the long term!
As the tried-and-true solution for replacing missing teeth, dentures offer life-changing benefits that make them well worth the price. Because every smile is different, it’s difficult to put a single price tag on this procedure before our team has even had a chance to examine your mouth. Once you visit us for a consultation, we’ll be able to provide you with a detailed cost of dentures in Vero Beach based on your individual needs.
No two smiles are the same, and our team at Premier Dental takes the time to custom-tailor each tooth loss treatment to meet our patients’ unique needs. When we’re examining your mouth at your initial consultation, we’ll consider several different cost factors into your treatment plan, including:
It’s important to keep in mind that choosing the cheapest options isn’t always the best. You’ll want to invest in dentures in Vero Beach that function well for you and are high-quality so they’ll be more enjoyable to use and won’t require early replacement.
It’s true that implant dentures have a higher up-front cost, but they also can last for up to four times longer than traditional dentures, making them a better long-term investment. They also offer priceless advantages that make them standout as a premier tooth loss solution, like the ability to prevent jawbone deterioration and restore your bite power by up to 80%!
Most dental insurance plans will provide some level of coverage for dentures—typically around 50% of their cost. Our financial team at Premier Dental will work hard to maximize your benefits and minimize your out-of-pocket costs, and we’re happy to file claims for all of our patients who have PPO plans.
Despite not being an in-network provider with any insurance plans, our practice is happy to accept all PPO plans as well as offer an In-House Dental Savings Plan to make dentures more affordable. By paying an annual fee of between $299 and $649, depending on the plan you choose and whether you want to add family members to it, you’ll receive all basic preventive care as well as a 10% discount on all restorative, surgical, and implant treatments you receive.
Dentures can restore the appearance and function of your smile after tooth loss, but they still require regular hygiene and maintenance to keep looking great and working properly. That’s why you should continue to see your dentist regularly after receiving dentures of any sort. These appointments will allow your dentist to monitor your gums and any remaining teeth for infections while also screening for issues like oral cancer. It can be especially difficult for people who wear dentures to notice these issues on their own, and early detection is a crucial part of ensuring the best possible outcome. Here’s a brief guide to properly caring for your dentures.
It’s important to remove and rinse your dentures after every meal to prevent food debris and plaque from accumulating. Harmful oral bacteria love to multiply in these buildups, and removing them regularly can greatly reduce your risk of developing infections. Just remember to refrain from using hot water when cleaning your dentures, as the heat can warp their materials and ruin the way they fit.
When cleaning your removable dentures, take them out of your mouth and gently brush them with a soft-bristled brush and a little bit of unscented hand soap, mild dish soap, or an approved denture cleanser. Make sure this is a separate brush from the one that you use for your mouth, and never use regular toothpaste, as it is abrasive enough to leave tiny scratches on your appliance. If you aren’t putting your dentures back in immediately, soak them in water or a denture-cleansing solution so they don’t warp or dry out. Denture cleansers can be harmful if ingested, so take care to rinse your appliance off thoroughly before putting it back in your mouth.
When it comes time to clean your dentures, start by filling the basin of your sink with lukewarm water and placing folded towels across your countertop to create a cushion in case you drop them. Never leave your dentures exposed to the open air that can cause them to dry out or within reach of pets or small children.
Wearing your dentures restricts the flow of blood to your gums, so wearing them continuously can lead to soft tissue irritation. It’s best to remove your dentures and set them to soak in an approved denture-soaking solution before going to bed. This will prevent them from drying out while giving your mouth a chance to rest and clean itself, which can reduce plaque on your gums and tongue while lowering your risk of pneumonia.
It’s important to keep an eye on your dentures so you can bring any changes to your dentist’s attention. A few things to look out for include sores, irritation, or any signs of infection. Don’t try to repair damaged dentures on your own as you may just damage them further. Instead, contact our office for assistance. If your dentures are sliding about, clicking, or seeming not to be fitting properly, let us know so we can see if they need to be relined or replaced.
If you have received all-on-4 dentures, you should brush them twice daily with a soft-bristled manual or electric toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste without baking soda or stain-removing agents. You should also floss at least once a day while using threaders to clean underneath your denture. You may want to get a water flosser to clean your dentures and implants more easily. To clean between your appliance and your gums, try using a sulcus brush that is one-third the width of a normal toothbrush. You should also use antibacterial mouthwash daily to prevent tartar from building up.
It’s natural to have questions about any type of dental work—especially the procedures that involve making profound changes to your mouth, such as receiving dentures to restore lost teeth. But no matter what questions you’ve got on your mind, our team here at Premier Dental is here to help! We’ve gathered a few of the most frequently asked questions that we receive about dentures in Vero Beach so that you can confidently commit to treatment and begin rebuilding your smile. Of course, if you have any other questions about dentures or would like to arrange a consultation to see if they suit your smile’s needs, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
Generally speaking, tooth loss qualifies you for dentures, but the only way to determine which type of denture best suits your needs is by having us closely inspect your mouth. There are three primary types of dentures utilized these days: partial, full, and implant. Partials are preferable for patients who only need one or a few missing teeth replaced, while full dentures are recommended for patients who’ve lost all their teeth, or who don’t have enough remaining natural teeth worth salvaging. Implant dentures are attached to dental implant posts that have been surgically embedded into the jawbone, though patients with insufficient jawbone density will likely need a supplemental bone graft beforehand.
It’s pretty normal to experience some mild discomfort after you receive dentures—this is a pretty big change to your mouth, after all! Fortunately, most of this can easily be managed through the appropriate use of your prescribed or over-the-counter pain relievers. Most discomfort should improve after 3 to 5 days following the procedure, but this varies depending on the patient. In any case, if this pain continues to persist, don’t hesitate to contact us quickly; your dentures might not have been fitted properly, or there might be some type of underlying issue that needs to be addressed!
Dentists generally recommend that you take your dentures out at night before you go to sleep. When you first receive your dentures, you’ll likely be instructed to wear them for 24 hours, including sleep—but after this period, you’ll want to begin taking them out each evening. Wearing your dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, which can cause irritation if left unchecked. Taking your dentures out gives the gums the chance to recover and get the nutrients they need during the night. Plus, the dark, moist space underneath dentures is the ideal environment for bacteria to thrive; for this reason, sleeping with dentures has actually been linked to a higher risk of pneumonia! Poor oral hygiene and higher levels of gum and tongue plaque are also associated with wearing dentures for too long.
If you ever had braces growing up, you might remember the long list of dietary restrictions that you had to abide by—and dentures have a strikingly similar set of guidelines! Sticky foods like caramel, peanut butter, and many types of candies like taffy can pull your dentures right out of place! Needless to say, this makes biting and chewing pretty difficult, but even worse, it gives food particles the chance to become trapped underneath the dentures which can cause gum irritation. Some foods also contain small pieces that dentures cannot chew, such as popcorn kernels, shelled nuts, and even certain types of bread or granola bars. Tough meats that require copious amounts of chewing, like steak and pork chops, might also place undesirable stress on your restoration.